.m4a to .mp3
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#!/bin/sh # # m4a to mp3 for i in *.m4a; do faad "$i" lame -h -b 192 "${i%.m4a}.wav" "${i%.m4a}.mp3"&&rm "$i" "${i%.m4a}.wav" done
m4a2mp3 -- For preserving the music info (tags)
#!/bin/sh # # m4a to mp3 trap 'rm -f "$info" "$opts" "$wav" "$mp3"; exit 10' 1 2 3 15 quality=5 bitrate=192 for m4a in "$@"; do info=` echo "$m4a"|sed -n 's/\.m4a$/.info/p'` opts=` echo "$m4a"|sed -n 's/\.m4a$/.opts/p'` wav=` echo "$m4a"|sed -n 's/\.m4a$/.wav/p'` mp3=` echo "$m4a"|sed -n 's/\.m4a$/.mp3/p'` [ -z "$mp3" ] && continue # study it faad -i "$m4a" 2>"$info" #faad outputs info to stderr! cat "$info" | sed -n ' s/["`$]/\\\&/g # handle any escapes in titles s/^title: \(.*\)$/--tt "\1"/p s/^artist: \(.*\)$/--ta "\1"/p s/^album: \(.*\)$/--tl "\1"/p s/^track: \(.*\)$/--tn "\1"/p s/^date: \([12][0-9][0-9][0-9]\)$/--ty "\1"/p # year? #s/^genre: \(.*\)$/--tg "\1"/p # m4a genres dont match those of mp3 ' - > "$opts" # convert it faad "$m4a" eval "lame -q $quality -b $bitrate "`cat "$opts"`" \"$wav\" \"$mp3\"" # cleanup rm -f "$opts" "$wav" "$info" done