Community security resources

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[aggregate community security reporting resources - get a lead on your distribution for the next remote root exploit]

External resources

A centralized resource for security-related news and articles. It also hosts many public mailing lists, including Bugtraq, with which you can keep up to date about security vulnerabilities.

Provides access to the latest official Linux kernels and changelogs. Reading release changelogs can help you be aware of limitations and potential instabilities in your system, and make informed decisions about updating to the latest kernel.

Numerous public mailing lists supporting Linux kernel development, discussion, and announcements. Stay abreast of common problems, bug reports, and relative stability that may affect your system.

The international standard for information security, ISO 17799, is becoming influential in almost all areas of computer related security. The ISO 17799 Community provides a peer to peer forum to support it.

A centralize archive of all major security related mailing lists. The archive is updated in real time. It also has rss feed.

A list of the Top 100 Network security tools based on the public survey conducted by Fyodor every 3 years or so. If you are a newbie wondering where to start then start here!