Talk:Dual internet load balancing

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[replaced from article]
  • So far this can affect any phone service provider, Internet provider, All Websites, Browsers App stores and many unsuspecting customers and companys.
  • i believe this can start a couple different ways,You may be a memeber of "the services" and buy their 'softwear' which may come with a phone with a special sd card, a 'smart bluetooth device that can be hidden in your vehicle for tracking purposes or to extend the underground internet.
  • One of the targeted users are people buying prepaid phones,User buys a phone and and the card with minutes abd when the user goes to turn on their unregistered phone a tracking unit picks it up via bluetooth immediately tells user it needs to do a upgrade and instead downloads their softwear into the users device.Then 'Bots'make a call to the users phone company saying they are a new customer and that they want to enroll in a managed family Plan. The user then goes to make a account and are decived into thinking what they are doing is legit. all tge while the softwear now installed in their phone is actually all a Virtual hidden network that leads you to believe they are Verizon or Sprint or Google or Microsoft. They emulate any conpany you can think of. -- KattC88 13:36, June 27, 2018