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so. we can't just have a redirect from PERL to Perl, or from Perl to PERL, lest a flame war start. how is this to be resolved. there is already an extensive entry for PERL.

the perlfaq says that it should not be PERL but that does not seem to be particularly set in stone, esp. since perl is ostensibly an acronym and as such potentially warrants all caps.

There is no current PERL page, actually. It might best to take the existing Perl and Perl tips page and stick the whole shebang under PERL. Then add redirects thusly:

Perl -> PERL
perl_tips -> PERL

Sound ok? Mhouliston 18:54, Mar 6, 2004 (EST)

What about a flip flop?

PERL -> Perl
perl_tips -> Perl

because of this in perlfaq1:

      What's the difference between "perl" and "Perl"?
      One bit.  Oh, you weren't talking ASCII? :-) Larry now uses "Perl" to
      signify the language proper and "perl" the implementation of it, i.e.
      the current interpreter.  Hence Tom's quip that "Nothing but perl can
      parse Perl."  You may or may not choose to follow this usage.  For
      example, parallelism means "awk and perl" and "Python and Perl" look
      OK, while "awk and Perl" and "Python and perl" do not.  But never write
      "PERL", because perl is not an acronym, apocryphal folklore and post-
      facto expansions notwithstanding.

A similar (though less difficult) thing happened with Spam and SPAM. Perhaps page titles should be case-insensitive in general.

Muir 19:36, Mar 6, 2004 (EST)

It might save some trouble, yes. On the other hand, case sensitivity is sometimes useful - compare CD and cd for example.

Mhouliston 20:31, Mar 6, 2004 (EST)

{comment removed}

JohnMG 02:05, Mar 12, 2004 (EST)