User:Oldlaptop/Mozilla Application Suite

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The Mozilla Application Suite was a fully integrated internet suite based on the Mozilla codebase. As of March 10, 2005, the Mozilla Application Suite is no longer under active development, and has been succeded by SeaMonKey. (see


The Mozilla Suite provides you with a variety of programs integrated into one application, including:

Latest major release

The latest major version of the suite is Mozilla 1.7. For more information about 1.7, see the:


Importing and Exporting Bookmarks

Go to Bookmarks | Manage Bookmarks | Tools | Import or Export (as the case may be) | Then save (or import) the .html file with the name you want to a directory of your choosing. You can do a similar process using IE if you want to import you IE "favorites" into Mozilla. IE does it differently though, you go to File | Import/Export, then basically do the same as above.

Enabling JVM

A JVM is an application which executes java code, in Mozilla it allows you to view Java applets on the internet. To enable Java applets you must first install a JVM a variety of which are available:

  • Sun Java - you most probably want Java2 Standard Edition [1]
  • Electrical Fire - This is a project linked with mozilla to develop a fast and portable JVM.

These instructions apply to sun's J2SE though may apply for other JVM.

Assuming you have a JVM installed you must find the path to the plugin directory most likely:


(for i386 architecture, using your File manager, have a look around the directory /usr/lib/java/jre/plugin if this doesn't apply to you).

Here there should be a file called you need to place a link to this file in Mozilla's plugin directory.

Single user:

ln -s /usr/lib/java/jre/plugin/i386/ns610-gcc32/ /home/username/.mozilla/plugins/

Multi user:

ln -s /usr/lib/java/jre/plugin/i386/ns610-gcc32/ /usr/local/mozilla/plugins/

Now restart mozilla and try out a java applet: [2]

Java webstart

Java webstart enables java applications to be run over a network or the internet. To enable Mozilla to handle these files (presuming J2SE-1.4.2 installed):

Edit|Preferences|Navigator|Helper Applications Click New Type and enter details: MIME Type - application/x-java-jnlp-file Description - Java webstart Open it with - /usr/lib/j2sdk1.4.2_01/jre/javaws/javaws

Now you can try a webstart application, I recommend: sodaconstructor

See also