Compact Disc

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The compact disc is a digital optical storage medium. A typical CD can hold around 700MB of data on a side, and can be used for the storage of audio, such as music, data, and live CD distributions.

Block Devices

On most setups, compact disc drives show up as SCSI cdrom devices on Linux systems, thus their name will start with "sr".

$ lsblk
├─sda1                              8:1    0  256M   0 part  
└─sda3                              8:3    0  498G   0 part  
sr0                                11:0    1  1024M  0 rom   <---

/dev/cdrom will appear as a symlink to the first detected compact disc drive. This is useful as cdrom devices are not always SCSI devices.

$ file /dev/cdrom
/dev/cdrom: symbolic link to sr0

See Also