List of file extensions
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This is a list of common file extensions. Keep in mind that extensions are arbitrary and, whenever there's any doubt, the file command will generally provide a more accurate indicator of file contents than the extension.
- .1, etc. - man pages generally fall into numerical categories (though there are others) and have a suffix indicating the section. Logrotate also names old log file with an extra numerical extension.
- .blend - Blender 3D scene
- .bmp - Bitmap image format
- .bz2 - a file processed with bzip2 compression (see .tar)
- .c - C source code
- .class - Java class, compiled bytecode
- .conf - configuration file
- .cfg - configuration file
- .cpp - C++ source code
- .cc - C++ source code (not as common as *.cpp)
- .css - CSS, Cascading StyleSheet
- .csv - a plain text file containing comma separated values
- .db - Berkeley DB
- .deb - Debian package
- .desktop - Desktop entry, standard link/shortcut/launcher format
- .diff - patch/difference file generated by diff
- .dtd - DTD, Document Type Definition for XML data
- .elf - The Linux equivalent of a *.exe.
- .gif - image file which uses the patented LZW compression algorithm
- .gz - a file processed with gzip compression (see .tar)
- .h - header file
- .html/*.htm - HTML
- .kwd - KDEs native format for their Kword word processor
- .ksp - KDEs native format for their Kspread spreadsheet application
- .kss - KDEs screensaver format
- .log - logging data from some application, usually in plain text format
- .m3u - playlist file, originates from WinAmp
- .m4a - compressed MPEG-4 audio file without DRM
- .m4p - compressed MPEG-4 audio file with DRM
- .md5 - file containing an md5sum for a single file. IE: foobar.iso.md5 contains the md5sum for foobar.iso
- .md5sums - file containing a list of MD5 checksums, generated and used by md5sum
- .mo - Compiled message catalog, generated and used by GNU gettext
- .mpg or .mpeg - compressed video file
- .mp3 - compressed MP3 audio file
- .o - object file. Source code that has been compiled but not linked
- .ogg - Ogg Vorbis sound file
- .patch - patch file, generated by diff, to be used with patch
- .pdf - PDF, Adobe Portable Document file.
- .php - PHP source file
- .phps - PHP source file in which the source is intended to be displayed rather than executed
- .phtml - PHP source file (uncommon)
- .pl - Perl source code
- .pls - a playlist file (file of filenames or URLs)
- .png - PNG image file
- .pov - source code for the povray ray tracer
- .properties - value containing configuration values, used by Java applications
- .ps - postscript file. Like pdf, but without form functionality.
- .py - python script
- .pyo - python optimized bytecode
- .pyc - python compiled bytecode
- rc - not really an extension, but often found at the end of 'run control' (or 'resource configuration') files such as 'bashrc'.
- .rdf - "Resource Description Framework" file, XML based format
- .rpm - originally a Red Hat package (the RedHat Package Manager) but now many distros are rpm based.
- .rtf - rich text format. A Lowest common denominator format for exchanging documents between different word processors
- .s or .S - assembly language source code
- .sh - shell script (as with nearly all extensions, this is optional)
- .so - Shared object/library file
- .tar - a file archived with tar (the tape archiver) - often also compressed with gzip, bzip2, etc., in which case it will have a double extension of 'tar.gz', '.tar.bz2', etc.
- .tgz - possibly a .tar.gz file with the shorter extension but more likely these days to be a Slackware package like a .deb or .rpm
- .tga - Targa image file
- .ttf - TTF (True Type) font
- .txt - plain text file.
- .wav - uncompressed audio format
- .xbel - XML based bookmarks file
- .xsd - XML Schema
- .xml - XML file
- .xsl - XSL stylesheet
- .xpm - X pixmap
- .Z - rarely seen anymore, a compressed file, often tarred as .tar.Z
- .zip - Compressed Archive. More common on Windows, but can be read/written on UNIX using zip and unzip commands