Mediawiki is a wiki that is used e.g. by LQ Wiki and Wikipedia.
The default config is to allow anonymous editing of any page and self registration.
Disabling anonymous editing
Edit LocalSettings.php and make sure it contains the lines
$wgGroupPermissions['*' ]['edit'] = false; $wgGroupPermissions['*' ]['createpage'] = false; $wgGroupPermissions['*' ]['createtalk'] = false;
Disabling self-registration
If you want to stop people self-registering the add another line to the LocalSettings.php
$wgGroupPermissions['*' ]['createaccount'] = false;
below the line
require_once( "includes/DefaultSettings.php" );
Allowing pictures
If you are the only editor of a wiki (otherwise security flaws!) and want to allow pictures from all over the web, add the following line to the LocalSettings.php
$wgAllowExternalImages = true;
below the line
require_once( "includes/DefaultSettings.php" );
Allow all html tags
If you are the only editor of a wiki (otherwise security flaws!) and want to allow any html code in your wiki, read and follow
Changing the sidebar
This is done on the application level; just edit Mediawiki:Sidebar.
beautify URL
By default, mediawiki's main page is in http://whatever/index.php/Main_Page. To get rid of "index.php", read and follow