The .fluxbox keys file

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Fluxbox comes with a set of default keysets. It enables a user to switch windows and desktops, and that is about it. Before changing it, there are a few things necessary to know. In the Fluxbox keys file, there are some strange modifiers. Mod1 is commonly known as the "Alt" key, and Mod4 is that wonderful windows key.I like to get some use out of it.The first thing I do is to edit ~.fluxbox/init and make sure it points to /home/yourname/.fluxbox/keys. Next edit your .fluxbox/keys to look something like this;

Mod1 Tab :NextWindow
Mod1 Shift Tab :PrevWindow
Mod1 F1 :Workspace 1
Mod1 F2 :Workspace 2
Mod1 F3 :Workspace 3
Mod1 F4 :Workspace 4
Mod4 a :ExecCommand aterm
Mod4 m :ExecCommand xmms
Mod4 n :ExecCommand nautilus --no-desktop --browser
Mod4 e :ExecCommand xedit
Mod4 f :ExecCommand firefox
Mod4 s :ExecCommand streamtuner
Mod4 t :ExecCommand thunderbird
Mod4 p :ExecCommand alsaplayer

Thats it, now if I want to open aterm I press the windows key + a. On debian systems this may not work out of the box,sorry