Tuning monitor output

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Tuning monitor output

  • To shift the physical location of the image on the monitor (ie left or right), use xvidtune.
  • To rotate or mirror the display, use xrandr (the hardware must support it).
  • To change the resolution on the fly, Ctrl-Alt-KeypadMinus and Plus will use the previous and next resolution in the XF86Config. xvidtune -prev and -next does the same thing programatically. To pick a specific resolution, use xrandr.

  • A bit more difficult way (but is remembered and no need to run a command after X has started up) is to change the modeline the X server uses. It has a bunch of default built in modes (from the VESA standard and from PnP monitor info), but extra modes can be added manually in the config file (XF86Config, the "monitor" and "Modes" sections, see manual for more info). The xvidtune tool can be used to get a modeline. Just run xvidtune, setup the display with the GUI. Then run xvidtune -show and it will output the currently used mode which you can put in your config file. Another option is this website.

See also

External links