User:ZyMOS/X config definitions A-C
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X Windows configureation definitions. When compiling X windows it is often reqired or desirable to change the config files so X Windows will compile and install to your preferances. The config files can be found in xc/config/cf/. By adding the following definitions to xc/config/cf/host.def. There are well over 1000 definitions and a near infinate amount of posible combinations. Some of the listed definitions are obsolete, depricated, and unsuported. Almost all of the definitions have no description.
Created by
$ cat config/cf/* |grep define :%s/[ \t]\+/ / :%s/\/\* \*\/// :%s/\/\*\*\/// :%s/\# define/\#define/ $ sort $ uniq
Commonly Used Definitions
#define ProjectRoot /usr/Xorg /* Where X-Windows is to be installed */ #define NothingOutsideProjectRoot YES /* Forces all files install to be in the $ProjectRoot, and nothing outside is modified */ #define HasFreetype2 YES /* User has freetype allready installed */ #define UseFreetype2 YES /* Enable FreeType Fonts */ #define Freetype2LibDir /usr/local/lib /* location where freetype libraries are installed */ #define Freetype2Dir /usr/local/ /* location where freetype is installed */ #define BuildFreetype2Library YES /* Compile FreeType */ #define CcCmd /usr/local/gcc-3.4.4/bin/gcc /* Location of the C Compiler */ #define CplusplusCmd /usr/local/gcc-3.4.4/bin/g++ /* Location of the C++ Compiler */
#define AcdGcc #define AckArchOption -mam_$(ARCH) #define AckToolset YES #define AdmDir /usr/adm #define AdmDir /var/log #define AdminBaseDir /usr/admin.ptx/etc/base.dir #define AdminManDefs -D__adminmansuffix__=$(ADMINMANSUFFIX) #define AdminManSuffix 1m /* use just one tab or cpp will die */ #define AdminManSuffix 8 /* use just one tab or cpp will die */ #define AfterVendorCF #define AgpGartDrivers #define AIXArchitecture #define AliasedLibraryTarget(libname,alias) @@\ #define AllocateLocalDefines #define AllocateLocalDefines -DINCLUDE_ALLOCA_H #define AllocateLocalDefines /* -DINCLUDE_ALLOCA_H */ #define AllocateLocalDefines -DINCLUDE_ALLOCA_H #define AllocateLocalDefines -DNO_ALLOCA #define AllowSIGIO YES #define AllTarget(depends) @@\ #define AlphaArchitecture #define AlphaBsdArchitecture #define AlternateIncRoot NO #define AlternateIncRoot YES #define AlternateUsrLibDir NO #define AlternateUsrLibDir YES #define AMD64Architecture #define AmigaArchitecture #define AmoebaArchitecture YES #define AmoebaBin $(ATOP)/bin.sun4 #define AmoebaCompilerDefs #define AmoebaCompilerDefs -Usun #define AmoebaConf __AM_CONF__ #define AmoebaTop __AM_TOP__ #define AnsiDefines -Ae -D_HPUX_SOURCE #define AoutCDebugFlags -aout DefaultCDebugFlags #define AoutCplusplusDebugFlags -aout DefaultCplusplusDebugFlags #define AoutLibObjCompile(options) LibObjCompile(aout,AoutCDebugFlags AoutSharedLibraryDef AoutPositionIndependentCFlags options) #define AoutLibObjCplusplusCompile(options) LibObjCompile(aout,AoutCplusplusDebugFlags options) #define AoutPositionIndependentCFlags -fpic #define AoutSharedLibraryDef -DBSDSHLIB #define AoutSharedLibraryLoadFlags -aout -Bshareable #define AoutSharedLibraryTarget(libname,rev,solist,down,up) @@\ #define ApolloArchitecture #define AppgroupDefines #define AppgroupDefines -DXAPPGROUP #define AppLoadDefs -D__apploaddir__=$(XAPPLOADDIR) #define AppManDefs -D__appmansuffix__=$(MANSUFFIX) #define ArAddCmd ArCmd #define ArAddCmd ArCmdBase ru #define ArAddCmd ArCmdBase rul #define ArAddCmd ArCmdBase rus #define ArcArchitecture #define ArchitectureDefines -DALPHA_ARCHITECTURE #define ArchitectureDefines -DGNU_ARCHITECTURE #define ArchitectureDefines -DHP_ARCHITECTURE #define ArchitectureDefines -DIBM_ARCHITECTURE #define ArchitectureDefines -DLINUX_ARCHITECTURE #define ArchitectureDefines -DSUN_ARCHITECTURE #define ArchitectureDefines -DUSL_ARCHITECTURE #define ArchitectureDefines -DUXP_ARCHITECTURE #define ArchOptimizedFlags #define ArchOptimizedFlags -xarch=v8 #define ArchOptimizedFlags -xarch=v8plus #define ArchOptimizedFlags -xpentium #define ArCmd aal clrv #define ArCmd ar clr #define ArCmd ArCmdBase #define ArCmd ArCmdBase clq #define ArCmd ArCmdBase cq #define ArCmd ArCmdBase cqs #define ArCmd ar cq #define ArCmd ar scq #define ArCmdBase ar #define ArCmdBase lib #define ArCmdBase lib32 #define ArCmdBase /usr/bin/ar #define ArCmdBase /usr/ccs/bin/ar #define ArCmd bld cr #define ArCmd CcCmd -c.a -o #define ArCmd /usr/gcc/bin/ar cq #define ArCmd wlib -b -c -p=256 #define ArExtCmd ArCmdBase x #define ArExtCmd ArCmdBase xl #define Arm32Architecture #define ArProgramBase ar #define AsCmd AmoebaConf/$(ARCH).$(TOOLSET)/toolset/do_as AckArchOption #define AsCmd as #define AsCmd as -32 #define AsCmd as -64 #define AsCmd as -n32 #define AsCmd CcCmd #define AsCmd CcCmd -c #define AsCmd CcCmd -c -x assembler #define AsCmd cc -c -x assembler #define AsCmd gcc -c -x assembler-with-cpp #define AsCmd /usr/bin/as #define AsCmd /usr/ccs/bin/as #define AsCmd /usr/gcc/ntomips/bin/as #define AsCmd /usr/gcc/ntoppc/bin/as #define AsIncl -I$(ATOP)/src/h/machdep/arch/$(ARCH) #define AsmDefines #define AsmDefines AsmElfDefines #define AsmDefines -DACK_ASSEMBLER #define AsmDefines -D__ELF__ #define AsmDefines -D__ELF__ -D__PIC__ #define AsmDefines -DUSE_GAS #define AsmDefines -DUSE_GAS AsmElfDefines #define AsmDefines -DUSE_GAS -D__ELF__ -D__QNXNTO__ #define AsmDefines -DUSE_GAS -DGCCUSESGAS #define AsmDefines -DUSE_GAS -U__ELF__ #define AsmElfDefines #define AsmElfDefines -D__ELF__ #define AsOutputArchSize 32 #define AsOutputArchSize 64 #define AssembleObject(flags) CPPOnlyAsm($*,flags) @@\ #define AssembleObject(flags) ModCPPOnlyAsm($*,flags) @@\ #define AssembleObject(flags) $(RM) $@ @@\ #define AsVISOption -Av8plusa #define AsVISOption -Av9a #define AsVISOption -xarch=v8plusa #define AsVISOption -xarch=v9a #define AutoDefines #define AutoDefines -DAUTOMATION #define AutoIncludes #define AutoIncludes -I$(AUTOSCRIPTSRC) #define Automation YES #define AvoidNullMakeCommand NO #define AvoidNullMakeCommand YES
#define baseDtMailDefines \ #define BaseExtensionDefines \ #define BaseShLibReqs #define BaseShLibReqs -lc #define BaseShLibReqs -lc #define BaseShLibReqs /* -lc */ #define BaseShLibReqs /* -lc implied by $(CC) */ #define BaseShLibReqs -lc -lm #define BaseShLibReqs -lc_r -lc #define BaseShLibReqs -lc_r -lm #define BeforeVendorCF #define BigReqDefines #define BigReqDefines -DBIGREQS #define BinDir Concat(ProjectRoot,/bin) #define BinDir $(DESTDIR)/profile/module/x11/bin #define BinDir /opt/GISWxprint/bin #define BinDir /opt/GISWxprintglue/bin #define BinDir /usr/bin #define BinDir /usr/bin/X11 #define BinDir /usr/local/bin #define BinUtilsMajorVersion LinuxBinUtilsMajorVersion #define BookFormatManPages YES #define BootstrapCFlags #define BootstrapCFlags -DAMOEBA -DCROSS_$(ARCH) -DCROSS_COMPILE #define BootstrapCFlags -DBSD43 #define BootstrapCFlags -DDGUX #define BootstrapCFlags -DM4310 -DUTEK #define BootstrapCFlags -DmacII #define BootstrapCFlags -DMips #define BootstrapCFlags -DNCR #define BootstrapCFlags -DNOSTDHDRS #define BootstrapCFlags -DOki #define BootstrapCFlags -D__QNXNTO__ -Di386 #define BootstrapCFlags -D__QNXNTO__ -DMIPS #define BootstrapCFlags -D__QNXNTO__ -DPPC #define BootstrapCFlags -Dsony #define BootstrapCFlags -Dsun3 #define BootstrapCFlags -DSVR4 #define BootstrapCFlags -DSVR4 -Di386 #define BootstrapCFlags -DSVR4 -DMOTOROLA #define BootstrapCFlags -D__sxg__ #define BootstrapCFlags -DSYSV #define BootstrapCFlags -DSYSV -Di386 -DSCO #define BootstrapCFlags -DSYSV -Di386 -DSCO -DSCO324 #define BootstrapCFlags -DSYSV -DMOTOROLA #define BootstrapCFlags -DSYSV -DSYSV386 #define BootstrapCFlags -DUSE_CC_E -DNFS_STDOUT_BUG #define BootstrapCFlags -D__uxp__ #define BootstrapCFlags -DWIN32 #define BootstrapCFlags -DX_WCHAR -DX_LOCALE -DX_USEBFUNCS -DSYSV #define BootstrapCFlags /* none needed */ #define BootstrapCFlags OSDefines -DSYSV #define BootstrapCFlags OSDefines OSRelease #define BootstrapCFlags -tm c1 #define BootstrapCleanSubdirs #define BootstrapCleanSubdirs /* used at top-level */ #define BourneShell /bin/sh #define BourneShell /bin/sh -e #define BourneShell /usr/local/bin/pdksh #define BSDArchitecture #define BsdiStaticLibraryName(libname)Concat(Concat(lib,libname),_s) #define BsdiStaticStubLibraryName(libname)BsdiStaticLibraryName(libname).a #define BSDOSArchitecture #define Build100DpiFonts NO #define Build100DpiFonts YES #define Build75DpiFonts NO #define Build75DpiFonts YES #define BuildAllSpecsDocs NO #define BuildAllSpecsDocs YES #define BuildAoutLibraries NO #define BuildAoutLibraries YES #define BuildAppgroup YES #define BuildAppleDRI NO #define BuildAppleDRI YES #define BuildAppleWMLibrary NO #define BuildAppleWMLibrary YES #define BuildArabicFonts YES #define BuildBethMarduthoFonts NO #define BuildBigReqsExt YES #define BuildBinDir $(TOP)/exports/bin #define BuildBinTop ../.. /* relative to BuildBinDir */ #define BuildBuiltinFonts NO #define BuildCDEDoc YES #define BuildChineseFonts NO #define BuildChineseFonts YES #define BuildCIDFonts NO #define BuildCIDFonts YES #define BuildCID NO #define BuildCID YES #define BuildClients !BuildServersOnly #define BuildComposite (BuildXfixes && BuildDamage) #define BuildCompositeLibrary !BuildServersOnly && (BuildXfixesLibrary && \ #define BuildConvexClients YES #define BuildCup YES #define BuildCyrillicFonts NO #define BuildCyrillicFonts YES #define BuildCyrillicFonts YES #define BuildDamage BuildXfixes #define BuildDamageLibrary !BuildServersOnly #define BuildDate `BuildDateCmd` #define BuildDateCmd date +%Y%m%d #define BuildDBElib BuildDBE #define BuildDBElib YES #define BuildDBE YES #define BuildDebianXprintPackage NO #define BuildDebianXprintPackage YES #define BuildDebug NO #define BuildDebug YES #define BuildDevelDRIDrivers NO #define BuildDevelDRIDrivers YES #define BuildDIS NO #define BuildDllSupportLibs3(slib,rev) @@\ #define BuildDmxDevelTools NO #define BuildDmxLibrary (BuildDmx && \ #define BuildDmx NO #define BuildDmx YES #define BuildDocDir $(BUILDINCROOT)/doc #define BuildDocs !BuildServersOnly #define BuildDPMSExt YES #define BuildDPMS NO #define BuildDPMS NO /* Not supported by XWin Server */ #define BuildDPMS YES #define BuildDPSClients BuildDPSLibraries #define BuildDPSLibraries !BuildServersOnly #define BuildDPSLibrary BuildDPSLibraries #define BuildDPSTkLibrary BuildDPSLibraries #define BuildDps YES #define BuildDynamicLoading NO #define BuildDynamicLoading YES #define BuilderEMailAddr "" #define BuildEthiopicFonts NO #define BuildEVI YES #define BuildExamples YES #define BuildExpatLibrary (UseExpat && !HasExpat) #define BuildFontCacheLib (BuildFontCache && !BuildServersOnly) #define BuildFontCache NO #define BuildFontconfigLibrary NO #define BuildFontconfigLibrary (UseFontconfig && !HasFontconfig) #define BuildFontEncLib BuildLibraries #define BuildFontLib (BuildLibraries || \ #define BuildFontLib (BuildLibraries || BuildServer) #define BuildFonts (BuildServer | BuildFontServer) #define BuildFontServer NO #define BuildFontServer YES #define BuildFonts NO #define BuildFonts YES #define BuildFreetype2Library NO #define BuildFreetype2Library (UseFreetype2 && !HasFreetype2) #define BuildFreetype2Library YES #define BuildFreetype2Library YES #define BuildFreeType NO #define BuildFreeType YES #define BuildFreeType YES /* Not enabled by default */ #define BuildFullXprintDistrib NO #define BuildFullXprintDistrib YES #define BuildGISWxprintglue NO #define BuildGISWxprintglue YES #define BuildGISWxprint NO #define BuildGISWxprint YES #define BuildGLULibrary (BuildGLXLibrary && BuildLibraries && \ #define BuildGLULibrary NO #define BuildGLULibrary YES #define BuildGLwLibrary (BuildGLXLibrary && BuildLibraries) #define BuildGlxExt NO #define BuildGlxExt YES #define BuildGlxExt YES /* Not enabled by default */ #define BuildGLXLibrary (BuildGlxExt && !BuildServersOnly) #define BuildGLXLibrary NO #define BuildGLXLibrary YES #define BuildGreekFonts YES #define BuildHebrewFonts YES #define BuildHidesyms(libname) @@\ #define BuildHtmlManPages NO #define BuildHtmlManPages NO /* We don't want HTML manpages */ #define BuildHtmlManPages YES #define BuildI18NDir $(BUILDLIBDIR)/locale #define BuildIncDir $(BUILDINCROOT)/include #define BuildIncludes(srclist,dstsubdir,dstupdir) @@\ #define BuildIncludesTop(srclist) @@\ #define BuildIncludesTop(srclist,dstsubdir,dstupdir) @@\ #define BuildIncRoot $(TOP)/exports #define BuildIncTop ../.. /* relative to BuildIncDir */ #define BuildInstallHtmlManPage(file,dest,suffix) #define BuildInstallHtmlManPage(file,dest,suffix) @@\ #define BuildInterfaces(srclist,dstsubdir,dstupdir) @@\ #define BuildIPv6 NO #define BuildIPv6 YES #define BuildISO8859_10Fonts YES #define BuildISO8859_11Fonts BuildThaiFonts #define BuildISO8859_13Fonts YES #define BuildISO8859_14Fonts YES #define BuildISO8859_15Fonts YES #define BuildISO8859_16Fonts YES #define BuildISO8859_1Fonts YES #define BuildISO8859_2Fonts YES #define BuildISO8859_3Fonts YES #define BuildISO8859_4Fonts YES #define BuildISO8859_5Fonts BuildCyrillicFonts #define BuildISO8859_6Fonts BuildArabicFonts #define BuildISO8859_7Fonts BuildGreekFonts #define BuildISO8859_8Fonts BuildHebrewFonts #define BuildISO8859_9Fonts YES #define BuildJapaneseFonts NO #define BuildJapaneseFonts YES #define BuildJISX0201Fonts BuildJapaneseFonts #define BuildKOI8_RFonts BuildCyrillicFonts #define BuildKoreanFonts NO #define BuildKoreanFonts YES #define BuildLBX NO #define BuildLBX YES #define BuildLBX YES #define BuildLBX YES /* For now */ #define BuildLibDir $(TOP)/exports/lib #define BuildLibGlxWithoutPIC NO #define BuildLibGlxWithoutPIC YES #define BuildLibPath \ #define BuildLibPath $(DTENVLIBDIR):$(MOTIFENVLIBDIR):$(XENVLIBDIR) #define BuildLibPath $(MOTIFENVLIBDIR):$(XENVLIBDIR) #define BuildLibPath $(MOTIFENVLIBDIR):$(XENVLIBDIR):$(SYSTEMENVLIBDIR) #define BuildLibPathVar DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH #define BuildLibPathVar LD_LIBRARY_PATH #define BuildLibPathVar LIBPATH #define BuildLibPathVar _RLD_ROOT=/dev/null LD_LIBRARY64_PATH #define BuildLibPathVar _RLD_ROOT=/dev/null LD_LIBRARYN32_PATH #define BuildLibPathVar _RLD_ROOT=/dev/null LD_LIBRARY_PATH #define BuildLibPathVar SHLIB_PATH #define BuildLibPath $(XENVLIBDIR) #define BuildLibPath $(XENVLIBDIR):$(SYSTEMENVLIBDIR) #define BuildLibraries (!BuildServersOnly || BuildClients || \ #define BuildLibrariesForConfigTools BuildXFree86ConfigTools #define BuildLibrariesForDmx XdmxServer #define BuildLibrariesForXServers BuildServer #define BuildLibraries YES #define BuildLibSupportLibs2(slib) @@\ #define BuildLibSupportLibs(dummy) #define BuildLibSupportLibs(slib) @@\ #define BuildLibTop ../.. /* relative to BuildLibDir */ #define BuildLinuxDocHtml DoSgmlDocs #define BuildLinuxDocHtml NO #define BuildLinuxDocPS DoSgmlDocs #define BuildLinuxDocPS NO #define BuildLinuxDocPS YES #define BuildLinuxDocText DoSgmlDocs #define BuildLinuxDocText NO #define BuildLoadableXlibI18n (HasDlopen && SharedLibX11) #define BuildLoadableXlibXcursor (HasDlopen && SharedLibX11) #define BuildLocDir $(BUILDINCROOT)/localized #define BuildLowMem NO #define BuildMakefileTarget(notused,imakeflags) @@\ #define BuildMatroxHal NO #define BuildMatroxHal YES #define BuildMessageCatalog NO #define BuildMessageCatalog YES #define BuildMiscDocs NO #define BuildMITMiscExt NO #define BuildMITMiscExt YES #define BuildModuleDir $(BUILDLIBDIR)/modules #define BuildModuleInSubdir NO #define BuildModuleInSubdir YES #define BuildModuleTop $(BUILDLIBTOP)/.. #define BuildMotif NO #define BuildMozillaXprintXPIPackage NO #define BuildMultibuffer NO #define BuildObjectFromLibrary(libname,objname) BuildObjectFromLibraryWithPath(.,libname,objname) #define BuildObjectFromLibraryWithPath(libpath,libname,objname) @@\ #define BuildOSMesaLib BuildGlxExt #define BuildPDFdocs (HasGhostScript) #define BuildPDFdocs NO #define BuildPexClients NO #define BuildPexExt NO #define BuildPexExt NO #define BuildPexExt (XsunServer || Xsun24Server) #define BuildPexExt YES #define BuildPexExt YES /* needed for contrib xscope */ #define BuildPexLib NO #define BuildPhigs NO #define BuildPlugin HasPlugin #define BuildPSResLibrary BuildDPSLibraries #define BuildRandRLibrary !BuildServersOnly #define BuildRandRLibrary NO #define BuildRandR YES #define BuildRandR YES /* Not supported by XWin Server */ #define BuildRECORDlib BuildRECORD #define BuildRECORDlib YES #define BuildRECORD NO #define BuildRECORD YES #define BuildRenderLibrary NO #define BuildRenderLibrary (XdmxServer || !BuildServersOnly) #define BuildRender NO #define BuildRender YES #define BuildRman NO #define BuildRman YES #define BuildRootless NO #define BuildRootless YES #define BuildScanpci NO #define BuildScanpci YES #define BuildScreenSaverExt NO #define BuildScreenSaverExt YES #define BuildScreenSaverLibrary (BuildScreenSaverExt && !BuildServersOnly) #define BuildScreenSaverLibrary YES #define BuildServer HasXServer #define BuildServer __hp9000s700 #define BuildServer NO #define BuildServersOnly NO #define BuildServersOnly YES #define BuildServer YES #define BuildSgmlDocs DoSgmlDocs #define BuildShapeExt YES #define BuildSpecsDocs NO #define BuildSpecsDocs YES #define BuildSpeedoFonts NO #define BuildSpeedo NO #define BuildStippleCode NO #define BuildSyncExt YES #define BuildTestExt YES #define BuildThaiFonts YES #define BuildTrueTypeFonts NO #define BuildTrueTypeFonts YES #define BuildType1Fonts NO #define BuildType1Fonts YES #define BuildType1 NO #define BuildUCSFonts YES #define BuildWindowsWMLibrary NO #define BuildWindowsWMLibrary YES #define BuildX11Lib BuildLibraries #define BuildX11Lib YES #define BuildXAServer (HasXAServer & HasCplusplus) #define BuildXAudio (HasXAudio & HasCplusplus) #define BuildXauLib (BuildLibraries || BuildLibrariesForXServers) #define BuildXaw6 (HasSharedLibraries && !BuildServersOnly) #define BuildXaw6 NO #define BuildXaw7 (HasSharedLibraries && !BuildServersOnly) #define BuildXaw (BuildXprintLib && !BuildServersOnly) #define BuildXCMiscExt YES #define BuildXCSecurity YES #define BuildXcursorgen HasLibpng #define BuildXcursorgen NO #define BuildXcursorLibrary BuildRenderLibrary #define BuildXcursorLibrary NO #define BuildXdmcpLib (BuildLibraries || BuildLibrariesForXServers) #define BuildXDriInfo (BuildGLXLibrary && !BuildServersOnly) #define BuildXevieLibrary !BuildServersOnly #define BuildXevie YES #define BuildXextLib BuildLibraries #define BuildXF86BigfontExt NO #define BuildXF86BigfontExt YES #define BuildXF86BigfontExt YES /* Not enabled by default */ #define BuildXF86DGALibrary (BuildXF86DGA && !BuildServersOnly) #define BuildXF86DGALibrary YES #define BuildXF86DGA NO #define BuildXF86DGA NO /* DGA has no meaning on Sequent HW */ #define BuildXF86DGA YES #define BuildXF86DRIDriverSupport NO #define BuildXF86DRI NO #define BuildXF86DRI YES #define BuildXF86DRM YES #define BuildXF86MiscExt NO #define BuildXF86MiscExt NO /* turn off the server portion */ #define BuildXF86MiscExt YES #define BuildXF86MiscLibrary (BuildXF86MiscExt && !BuildServersOnly) #define BuildXF86MiscLibrary YES #define BuildXF86OldDRMCompat NO #define BuildXF86OldDRMCompat YES #define BuildXF86RushExt NO #define BuildXF86RushExt YES #define BuildXF86RushLibrary (BuildXF86RushExt && !BuildServersOnly) #define BuildXF86RushLibrary NO #define BuildXF86RushLibrary YES #define BuildXF86VidModeExt NO #define BuildXF86VidModeExt NO /* turn off the server portion */ #define BuildXF86VidModeExt YES #define BuildXF86VidModeLibrary (BuildXF86VidModeExt && !BuildServersOnly) #define BuildXF86VidModeLibrary YES #define BuildXfixesLibrary !BuildServersOnly #define BuildXfixes YES #define BuildXFree86ConfigTools !BuildServersOnly #define BuildXFree86ConfigTools YES #define BuildXft1Library BuildRenderLibrary #define BuildXftLibrary BuildRenderLibrary #define BuildXIElib NO #define BuildXIE NO #define BuildXIE NO /* Deprecated */ #define BuildXIE YES #define BuildXineramaLibrary (BuildXinerama && !BuildServersOnly) #define BuildXineramaLibrary YES #define BuildXinerama NO #define BuildXinerama NO /* Not supported by XWin Server */ #define BuildXinerama YES #define BuildXInputExt NO #define BuildXInputExt YES #define BuildXInputExt YES /* Not enabled by default */ #define BuildXInputLib (BuildXInputExt && \ #define BuildXInputLib YES #define BuildXKBfilelib (BuildXKB && !BuildServersOnly) #define BuildXKBfilelib YES #define BuildXKBlib (BuildXKB && (!BuildServersOnly || \ #define BuildXKBlib NO #define BuildXKBlib YES #define BuildXKB NO #define BuildXKBuilib (BuildXKB && !BuildServersOnly) #define BuildXKBuilib YES #define BuildXKBuilib YES /* override NO set in */ #define BuildXKB YES #define BuildXprintAppsOnly YES #define BuildXprintClients BuildXprintLib #define BuildXprintClients NO #define BuildXprintLib (!BuildServersOnly && BuildXprint) #define BuildXprintLib YES /* Not enabled when Xprt disabled */ #define BuildXprint NO #define BuildXprintRPMPackage NO #define BuildXprint YES #define BuildXResExt NO #define BuildXResExt YES #define BuildXResExt YES /* Not enabled by default */ #define BuildXResLibrary (BuildXResExt && \ #define BuildXResLibrary YES #define BuildXterm BuildClients #define BuildXterm NO #define BuildXterm NO /* Built separately on Cygwin */ #define BuildXTrapLibrary (BuildXTrap && !BuildServersOnly) #define BuildXTrap YES #define BuildXTrueType YES /* Not enabled by default */ #define BuildXvExt NO #define BuildXvExt YES #define BuildXvLibrary (BuildXvExt && !BuildServersOnly) #define BuildXvLibrary YES #define BuildXvMCExt NO #define BuildXvMCExt YES #define BuildXvMCLibrary (BuildXvMCExt && !BuildServersOnly) #define BuildXvMCLibrary YES #define BuildXWinClipboard YES #define BuildXWinDRI NO #define BuildXWinEmulatePseudo NO #define BuildXWinMultiWindowExtWM YES #define BuildXWinMultiWindow YES #define BuildXWinNativeGDI NO #define BuildXWinPrimaryFB NO #define BuildXWinUpdateStats NO #define BuildXWinXF86Config NO #define BundleProgramTarget(program,loader,subdirs,objs,deplib,syslib,dstdir) @@\ #define ByteOrder X_BIG_ENDIAN #define ByteOrder X_LITTLE_ENDIAN
#define CaseSensitiveFileSystem NO #define CaseSensitiveFileSystem YES #define CATCMD cat #define CcCmd acd -descr gcc -name cc #define CcCmd ack #define CcCmd /bin/cc /* a front-end to gcc/CI5 */ #define CcCmd c89 -D_POSIX_SOURCE #define CcCmd cc #define CcCmd cc -belf #define CcCmd cc -Xa -Di386 -Dasm=__asm #define CcCmd cl #define CcCmd clcc #define CcCmd DefaultSunProCCompilerDir/cc #define CcCmd gcc #define CcCmd gcc #define CcCmd gcc #define CcCmd gcc #define CcCmd gcc #define CcCmd gcc -ansi -Dmips -Dultrix -fpcc-struct-return #define CcCmd gcc -ansi -Dvax -Dultrix -fpcc-struct-return #define CcCmd gcc -ansi -fstrength-reduce -fpcc-struct-return -Di386 #define CcCmd gcc -ansi -fstrength-reduce -fpcc-struct-return -Dmc68000 -Dtektronix -Dutek -Dunix -Dm68k #define CcCmd gcc -b alpha-linux #define CcCmd gcc -b alpha-linuxecoff #define CcCmd gcc -b i486-linux #define CcCmd gcc -b i486-linuxaout #define CcCmd gcc -b m68k-linux #define CcCmd gcc -b m68k-linuxaout #define CcCmd gcc -DNO_ASM -fstrength-reduce -fpcc-struct-return -fwritable-strings #define CcCmd gcc -D__UNIXOS2__ #define CcCmd gcc -fpcc-struct-return #define CcCmd gcc -fstrength-reduce #define CcCmd gcc -fstrength-reduce -fpcc-struct-return #define CcCmd gcc -m32 #define CcCmd gcc -mposix #define CcCmd gcc /* shlicc */ #define CcCmd /opt/ansic/bin/cc #define CcCmd /opt/SUNWspro/bin/cc #define CcCmd /opt/SUNWspro/bin/cc -xarch=v9a #define CcCmd /skiff/local/bin/arm-linux-gcc #define CcCmd /usr/bin/cc #define CcCmd /usr/ccs/bin/cc #define CcCmd /usr/gcc/ntomips/bin/gcc -bntomips -EL #define CcCmd /usr/gcc/ntoppc/bin/gcc -bntoppc #define CcCmd /usr/local/bin/gcc /* ? -fpcc-struct-return */ #define CcCmd /usr/local/gcc-3.4.4/bin/gcc #define CcCmd xlc #define CcCmd xlc_r #define CCompilerMajorVersion 3 #define CCompilerMajorVersion 5 #define CCompilerMajorVersion 6 #define CCompilerMajorVersion DefaultSunProCCompilerMajorVersion #define CCompilerMinorVersion 0 #define CCompilerMinorVersion 8 #define CCompilerMinorVersion DefaultSunProCCompilerMinorVersion #define CcProgram cc #define CCsuf cc #define CCsuf cxx #define CdeBaseProjectDefines \ #define CDEBuildLibDir BuildLibDir #define CDEBuildLibPath $(CDELIBSRC) #define CDEBuildLibPath $(CDEPROJECTROOT)/lib #define CDEBuildLibPath $(TOP)/exports/lib #define CDEBuildLibPath $(USRLIBDIR) #define CdeConfigurationTop /etc/dt #define CdeCplusplusProjectDefines \ #define CdeCplusplusProjectDefines CdeProjectDefines #define CdeInstallationTop /usr/dt #define CDEIsTopLevelProject NO #define CDEIsTopLevelProject YES #define CdeLogFilesTop /var/dt #define CdeProjectDefines \ #define CdeProjectDefines CdeBaseProjectDefines AnsiDefines #define CDESharedRev 2.1 #define CdeTicDefines -DHAS_KNL -DHAS_KTAB #define CDETop $(TOP) #define CDETop $(TOP)/imports/cde #define CdeUserTop .dt #define CenterLoadTarget(target,srclist,libs,defines) #define CenterLoadTarget(target,srclist,libs,defines) @@\ #define CenterProgramTarget(program,srclist,objlist,locallibs,syslibs) @@\ #define ChangelogDate `ChangelogDateCmd` #define ChangelogDateCmd if tail $(CHANGELOGFILE) | \ @@\ #define ChangelogDateCmd if tail $(CHANGELOGFILE) 2>/dev/null | \ @@\ #define CLdPostLibs #define CLdPostLibs -L$(CDEPROJECTROOT)/lib #define CLdPreLibs #define CLdPreLibs -L$(CDELIBSRC) #define CLdPreLibs -L$(CDEPROJECTROOT)/lib #define clean cleandir #define clean distclean #define CleanSubdirs(dirs) \ #define CleanTarget() @@\ #define ClearmakeOSName #define ClearmakeOSName @ XCOMM $(OSNAME) @@ #define CLibrary #define ColCmd cat #define ColCmd col #define ColCmd /usr/bin/col #define ColFlags -b #define CommonAmoebaDefines -DAMOEBA -D$(ARCH) AmoebaCompilerDefs #define CommpressManCmd pack #define CompatabilityDefines -D__hp9000s300 -Dhp9000s300 #define CompatabilityDefines -D__hp9000s800 -Dhp9000s800 #define CompatabilityDefines -D__hp9000s800 -Dhp9000s800 -D__hp9000s700 #define CompEncodingTarget(basename) @@\ #define CompileCplusplusToAsm(options) RemoveFile($@) @@\ #define CompileCToAsm(options) RemoveFile($@) @@\ #define _CompileObjCplusplus(target, options) #define _CompileObjCplusplus(target, options) @@\ #define _CompileObjSeparateOpts(target,staticopts,sharedopts) \ #define _CompileObjSeparateOpts(target,staticopts,sharedopts) @@\ #define _CompileObj(target, options) @@\ #define CompilerMajorVersion 4 #define CompilerServerExtraDefines #define CompilerServerExtraDefines $(XF86SRC)/os-support/sunos/ #define CompilerServerExtraDefines $(XF86SRC)/os-support/sunos/ #define ComplexCplusplusProgramTarget_10(program,locallib,syslib) @@\ #define ComplexCplusplusProgramTarget_1(program,locallib,syslib) @@\ #define ComplexCplusplusProgramTarget_2(program,locallib,syslib) @@\ #define ComplexCplusplusProgramTarget_3(program,locallib,syslib) @@\ #define ComplexCplusplusProgramTarget_4(program,locallib,syslib) @@\ #define ComplexCplusplusProgramTarget_5(program,locallib,syslib) @@\ #define ComplexCplusplusProgramTarget_6(program,locallib,syslib) @@\ #define ComplexCplusplusProgramTarget_7(program,locallib,syslib) @@\ #define ComplexCplusplusProgramTarget_8(program,locallib,syslib) @@\ #define ComplexCplusplusProgramTarget_9(program,locallib,syslib) @@\ #define ComplexCplusplusProgramTarget(program) @@\ #define ComplexHostProgramTarget(program) @@\ #define ComplexProgramTarget_10(program,locallib,syslib) @@\ #define ComplexProgramTarget_1(program,locallib,syslib) @@\ #define ComplexProgramTarget_2(program,locallib,syslib) @@\ #define ComplexProgramTarget_3(program,locallib,syslib) @@\ #define ComplexProgramTarget_4(program,locallib,syslib) @@\ #define ComplexProgramTarget_5(program,locallib,syslib) @@\ #define ComplexProgramTarget_6(program,locallib,syslib) @@\ #define ComplexProgramTarget_7(program,locallib,syslib) @@\ #define ComplexProgramTarget_8(program,locallib,syslib) @@\ #define ComplexProgramTarget_9(program,locallib,syslib) @@\ #define ComplexProgramTargetNoMan(program) @@\ #define ComplexProgramTarget(program) @@\ #define ComplexVistaMapRule(program,filelist) @@\ #define CompositeDefines #define CompositeDefines -DCOMPOSITE #define CompressAllFonts NO #define CompressAllFonts YES #define CompressCmd compress #define CompressedFontTarget(basename) CompressedFontTargetLong(basename,basename) #define CompressedFontTargetLong(sname,tname) #define CompressedFontTargetLong(sname,tname) @@\ #define CompressManCmd $(COMPRESS) -v #define CompressManCmd gzip -n #define CompressManCmd @true #define CompressManPages NO #define CompressManPages YES #define Concat3(a,b,c)abc #define Concat3(a,b,c)a##b##c #define Concat4(a,b,c,d)abcd #define Concat4(a,b,c,d)a##b##c##d #define Concat(a,b)ab #define Concat(a,b)a##b #define ConfigDefines -D__XCONFIGFILE__='"$(XCONFIGFILE)"' \ #define ConfigDir $(LIBDIR)/config #define ConfigDir /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/config #define ConfigSrc $(TOP)/config #define ConfigTargetLong(target,dep,script,args,extra) @@\ #define ConfigTargetNoDepend(target,dep,script,args) ConfigTargetLong(target,dep,script,args,) #define ConfigTarget(target,dep,script,args) ConfigTargetLong(target,dep,script,args,Depend) #define ConnectionFlags -DAMTCPCONN -DAMRPCCONN #define ConnectionFlags -DLOCALCONN #define ConnectionFlags -DLOCALCONN -DTCPCONN #define ConnectionFlags -DLOCALCONN -DTCPCONN #define ConnectionFlags -DLOCALCONN -DTCPCONN -DFD_SETSIZE=256 #define ConnectionFlags -DLOCALCONN -DTCPCONN -DUNIXCONN #define ConnectionFlags -DMNX_TCPCONN #define ConnectionFlags -DSTREAMSCONN #define ConnectionFlags -DSTREAMSCONN -DUNIXCONN -DLOCALCONN #define ConnectionFlags -DTCPCONN #define ConnectionFlags -DTCPCONN #define ConnectionFlags -DTCPCONN #define ConnectionFlags -DTCPCONN -DOS2PIPECONN #define ConnectionFlags -DTCPCONN -DUNIXCONN #define ConnectionFlags -DTCPCONN -DUNIXCONN -DCOVUENETCONN #define ConnectionFlags -DTCPCONN -DUNIXCONN DECnetFlags #define ConnectionFlags -DTCPCONN -DUNIXCONN -DLOCALCONN #define ConnectionFlags -DTCPCONN /* no unix sockets */ #define ConnectionFlags -DUNIXCONN -DTCPCONN #define ConnectionFlags -DUNIXCONN -DTCPCONN #define ConnectionFlags -DUNIXCONN -DTCPCONN #define ConnectionFlags -DUNIXCONN -DTCPCONN -DDNETCONN #define ConstructMAKEFLAGS NO /* build MAKEFLAGS from MFLAGS */ #define ConstructMFLAGS NO #define ConstructMFLAGS NO /* build MFLAGS from MAKEFLAGS */ #define ConstructMFLAGS YES #define ConstructMFLAGS YES /* build MFLAGS from MAKEFLAGS */ #define ContribDir $(XTOP)/../contrib /* contrib is outside core tree */ #define ConvertPsToPdf(file) #define ConvertPsToPdf(file) @@\ #define ConvexArchitecture #define CpCmd copy #define CpCmd cp #define CplusplusAnsiDefines -Aa -D_HPUX_SOURCE #define CplusplusCmd c++ #define CplusplusCmd c++ -b alpha-linux #define CplusplusCmd c++ -b i486-linux #define CplusplusCmd c++ -b m68k-linux #define CplusplusCmd CC #define CplusplusCmd cl #define CplusplusCmd c++ -m32 #define CplusplusCmd DefaultSunProCplusplusCompilerDir/CC #define CplusplusCmd g++ #define CplusplusCmd g++ #define CplusplusCmd g++ #define CplusplusCmd g++ -b alpha-linuxecoff #define CplusplusCmd g++ -b i486-linuxaout #define CplusplusCmd g++ -b m68k-linuxaout #define CplusplusCmd g++ -fhonor-std -fno-builtin #define CplusplusCmd g++ -mposix #define CplusplusCmd g++ /* shlicc++ */ #define CplusplusCmd /opt/CC/bin/CC #define CplusplusCmd /opt/SUNWspro/bin/CC #define CplusplusCmd /opt/SUNWspro/bin/CC -xarch=v9a #define CplusplusCmd /opt/uxpcplus/bin/CC #define CplusplusCmd /skiff/local/bin/arm-linux-g++ #define CplusplusCmd /usr/bin/c++ #define CplusplusCmd /usr/bin/cxx #define CplusplusCmd /usr/ccs/bin/CC #define CplusplusCmd /usr/local/bin/g++ #define CplusplusCmd /usr/local/gcc-3.4.4/bin/g++ #define CplusplusCmd xlC #define CplusplusCmd xlC_r #define CplusplusCompilerMajorVersion 3 #define CplusplusCompilerMajorVersion 4 #define CplusplusCompilerMajorVersion 5 #define CplusplusCompilerMajorVersion as 4 in site.def. #define CplusplusCompilerMajorVersion DefaultSunProCplusplusCompilerMajorVersion #define CplusplusCompilerMinorVersion 0 #define CplusplusCompilerMinorVersion DefaultSunProCplusplusCompilerMinorVersion #define CplusplusDependIncludes #define CplusplusDependIncludes -D__DECCXX -I/usr/include/cxx #define CplusplusDependIncludes -I`CplusplusWhatdir CC`/../include/CC #define CplusplusDependIncludes -I/opt/CC/include/CC #define CplusplusDependIncludes -I/opt/SUNWspro/SC2.0.1/include/CC #define CplusplusDependIncludes -I/opt/SUNWspro/SC3.0/include/CC #define CplusplusDependIncludes -I/opt/uxpcplus/include/CC #define CplusplusDependIncludes -I/usr/include/CC #define CplusplusDependIncludes -I/usr/local/CenterLine/clc++/pa-hpux8/incl #define CplusplusDependIncludes -I/usr/lpp/xlC/include #define CplusplusExtraDefines #define CplusplusExtraIncludes #define CplusplusFilt c++filt #define CplusplusFilt DefaultSunProCplusplusCompilerDir/c++filt #define CplusplusFilt /opt/uxpcplus/bin/c++filt #define CplusplusFilt /usr/bin/demangle #define CplusplusFilt /usr/ccs/bin/c++filt #define CplusplusFilt /usr/lpp/xlC/bin/c++filt #define CplusplusLibC #define CplusplusLibC `$(CXX) -print-libgcc-file-name` #define CplusplusLibCDir /usr/local/lib #define CplusplusLibC -lstdc++ #define CplusplusLibC -L/usr/lib/cmplrs/cxx -lcxx #define CplusplusLibC /usr/lpp/xlC/lib/libC.a #define CplusplusLibC /usr/lpp/xlC/lib/libC_r.a #define CplusplusLibDir /usr/lib/cmplrs/cxx #define CplusplusLinkRule LinkRule #define CplusplusLinkRule(program,options,objects,libraries) \ #define CPlusPlusObjectCompile(options) $(RM) $@ @@\ #define CPlusPlusObjectRule() @@\ #define CplusplusOptions -Aa #define CplusplusOptions -call_shared #define CplusplusOptions DefaultCplusplusOptions #define CplusplusOptions -Xa #define CplusplusOptions -Zmtd -Zsysv-signals -D__UNIXOS2__ #define CplusplusProgramTargetHelperNoMan(program,srcs,objs,deplib,locallib,syslib) @@\ #define CplusplusProgramTargetHelper(program,srcs,objs,deplib,locallib,syslib) @@\ #define CplusplusProgramTargetHelper ProgramTargetHelper #define CplusplusProjectDefines \ #define CplusplusProjectDefines X11CplusplusProjectDefines #define CplusplusSpecialOptions #define CplusplusStandardDefines StandardDefines #define CplusplusSystemMTDefines #define CplusplusSystemMTDefines -D_REENTRANT #define CplusplusSystemMTDefines SystemMTDefines #define CplusplusWhatdir DefaultSunProCplusplusCompilerDir/whatdir #define CplusplusWhatdir whatdir #define CplusplusYaccCmd YaccCmd #define CppCmd /bin/cpp #define CppCmd CcCmd -nologo -batch -E #define CppCmd CcCmd -nologo -E #define CppCmd cc -E -cckr #define CppCmd cpp #define CppCmd /lib/cpp #define CppCmd /LibDirName/cpp #define CppCmd /lib/pcpp #define CppCmd /usr/bin/cpp #define CppCmd /usr/bin/cpp3 #define CppCmd /usr/ccs/lbin/cpp #define CppCmd /usr/ccs/lib/cpp #define CppCmd /usr/lib/cpp #define CppCmd /usr/libexec/cpp #define CppCmd /usr/mach3/lib/gcc-lib/i386-mach/2.3.3/cpp #define CppCmd /usr/X11R6/bin/cpp #define CppFileTarget(dst,src,defs,deplist) @@\ #define CppManTarget(name,defs) @@\ #define CppNoLineInfoOption #define CppNoLineInfoOption -P #define CPPOnlyAsm(basename,options) RemoveFile(basename.i) @@\ #define CPPOnlyCompile(src,options) RemoveFile($@) @@\ #define CppProgram /lib/cpp #define CppRawFileTarget(dst,src,defs,deplist) @@\ #define CppScriptTarget(dst,src,defs,deplist) @@\ #define CppSedMagic sed -e '/^# *[0-9][0-9]* *.*$$/d' \ #define CppSourceFile(dst,src,defs,deplist) @@\ #define CpuDefines -D_X86_ #define CpuOption -m486 #define CrayArchitecture #define CrossArCmd Concat3(CrossCompileDir,/,StripPath(ArCmd)) #define CrossAsCmd Concat3(CrossCompileDir,/,StripPath(AsCmd)) #define CrossCcCmd Concat3(CrossCompileDir,/,StripPath(CcCmd)) #define CrossCompiling NO #define CrossCompiling YES #define CrossCplusplusCmd Concat3(CrossCompileDir,/,StripPath(CplusplusCmd)) #define CrossCppCmd Concat3(CrossCompileDir,/,StripPath(CppCmd)) #define CrossFortranCmd Concat3(CrossCompileDir,/,StripPath(FortranCmd)) #define CrossLdCmd Concat3(CrossCompileDir,/,StripPath(LdCmd)) #define CrossLibraryCcCmd Concat3(CrossCompileDir,/,StripPath(LibraryCcCmd)) #define CrossLibraryCplusplusCmd Concat3(CrossCompileDir,/,StripPath(CplusplusCmd)) #define CrossLibraryCplusplusCmd Concat3(CrossCompileDir,/,StripPath(SharedLibraryCplusplusCmd)) #define CrossLintCmd Concat3(CrossCompileDir,/,StripPath(LintCmd)) #define CrossModuleCcCmd Concat3(CrossCompileDir,/,StripPath(ModuleCcCmd)) #define CrossModuleLdCmd CrossLdCmd #define CrossPreProcessCmd Concat3(CrossCompileDir,/,StripPath(PreProcessCmd)) #define CrossRanlibCmd Concat3(CrossCompileDir,/,StripPath(RanlibCmd)) #define CrossRawCppCmd Concat3(CrossCompileDir,/,StripPath(RawCppCmd)) #define CrossServerCcCmd Concat3(CrossCompileDir,/,StripPath(ServerCcCmd)) #define CrossStripCmd Concat3(CrossCompileDir,/,StripPath(StripCmd)) #define CupDefines #define CupDefines -DTOGCUP #define CURDIR . #define _CUse(a,b) a #define _CUse(a,b) b #define _CUseCat(a,b,c) ac #define _CUseCat(a,b,c) a##c #define _CUseCat(a,b,c) bc #define _CUseCat(a,b,c) b##c #define CUsrLibDirPath Concat(MUsrLibDirPath,:$(CDEPROJECTROOT)/lib) #define CUsrLibDirPath MUsrLibDirPath #define CVSIdentFix sed -e '/\$$\Id:/s/....\/..\/.. ..:..:.. *//' \ #define cygwinArchitecture #define CygxManVersionString `echo CygxVersionMajor CygxVersionMinor CygxVersionPatch CygxVersionSnap| sed -e 's/ /./g' -e 's/^/Version\\\ /'` #define CygxVersion (10000000 * CygxVersionMajor + 100000 * CygxVersionMinor + 1000 * CygxVersionPatch + CygxVersionSnap) #define CygxVersionMajor XORG_VERSION_MAJOR #define CygxVersionMinor XORG_VERSION_MINOR #define CygxVersionPatch XORG_VERSION_PATCH #define CygxVersionServer 0 #define CygxVersionSnap XORG_VERSION_SNAP #define CygxVersionString `echo CygxVersionMajor CygxVersionMinor CygxVersionPatch CygxVersionSnap%CygxVersionServer| sed -e 's/ /./g' -e 's/%/-/g'`